Capsular contracture is a potential complication of breast augmentation surgery, where the body`s immune system responds to the presence of a foreign object (breast implant) by forming a capsule of scar tissue around it. In some cases, this capsule can tighten and squeeze the implant, causing discomfort and distortion of breast shape.
So, how quickly does this condition develop?
The onset of capsular contracture can vary from patient to patient and can occur at any time after breast augmentation surgery. However, most cases typically develop within the first two years following the procedure.
The exact cause of capsular contracture is not fully understood, but there are various factors that can influence its development. These include:
1. Implant material: Studies have shown that textured implants may be more prone to capsular contracture than smooth implants.
2. Implant placement: Implants placed above the muscle may have a higher risk of capsular contracture than those placed under the muscle.
3. Infection: Infection following breast augmentation surgery can increase the risk of capsular contracture.
4. Trauma: Trauma to the breast, such as a blow or accident, can also increase the likelihood of capsular contracture.
It`s important to note that not all cases of capsular contracture are the same. Some people may experience mild tightening of the capsule, while others may develop severe contracture that requires revision surgery.
Symptoms of capsular contracture include breast hardness, pain, discomfort, and distortion of the breast shape. If you experience any of these symptoms, it`s important to seek medical attention promptly.
To reduce the risk of developing capsular contracture, it`s essential to follow your surgeon`s post-surgical instructions carefully. This includes massaging your breasts regularly, avoiding strenuous activity, and attending all follow-up appointments.
In conclusion, capsular contracture can develop at any time following breast augmentation surgery, with most cases developing within the first two years. The exact cause is not fully understood, but certain factors such as implant material, placement, infection, and trauma can increase the risk. If you experience any symptoms of capsular contracture, seek medical attention promptly. And remember to follow your surgeon`s post-operative instructions carefully to help reduce your risk of developing this condition.